Thursday, March 5, 2009

I was in Perth teaching over the weekend.
The flight is 4-and half hours,long enough.
The weather was good and the students keen.
They are a group of eventers organized by an old friend of mine Polly-Ann Huntingdon.
The first time I went to Perth competing I stayed with her in 1985. My trip was successful because I was 1st and 3rd in the Australian Championships, a memorable time.
Polly is a workaholic, she breeds some horses,she rides a Grand Prix dressage horse, she teaches swimming and trains lots of riders.Oh yes, Polly is a three day event dressage judge and she has officiated here at SIEC, NZ etc.
Polly shows you what you do with enthusiasm,she organizes clinics with interstate coaches as she likes to keep up with her knowledge, not that is is behind. Polly has trained in germany and regularly has lessons with Harry Boldt.
Our horses are ticking along ready to fire up for Castle Hill show in a week or two and Camden the week after.
The year is flying along.

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