Monday, May 25, 2009

The team of Harry Liz and I have travelled to two country shows in the last few weeks.
We had a great time.
Gunnedah Show some 61/2 hours drive North West is on the liverpool Plains and the area is rich with Coal deposits,the mines are coming!
Gunnedah isn't a large town but the show certainly is.
There were many Sydney and Central Coast riders there as well as the usual .
The jumping ran for most of the day and into the night.The footing was magnificient and the competition strong.
Harry rode one of my young TB's called Flynn in the 80cm and they jumped some lovely rounds.
Harry's other ride Dale went around the D grades and they jumped some clear rounds. Now it is jump off experience they need.
Liz had a good time in the Juniors for a 1st and a third with Ceasar.
I rode Tango for a win in the D grade and she had one fence down for the show and that was in the 1.20m class.
I also rode Liz's new horse 'Greenbah' in some smaller classes so we can get to know him.
Peter dropped in on his long drive north to Townsville. Poet was third inthe 1.30m the first day and 6th in the Grand Prix.
Grant Hughes won the GP,he has a team of 10 and supports these shows regularly.
Grant is a quiet achiever,the horses always are presented well but you shouldn't be fooled by his mild manner.
He is a very tough competitor and he wins most of the classes he competes in.
George Johnson was 5th in the GP so two riders I help were in the money.
The trip was interesting because lying on the sides of the road there was cotton.
We stopped so Liz could get a handful to take to school and show cotton in the raw so to speak.
The last time I competed at Gunnedah was approx 30 years ago.
I saw some familiar faces and the organizers of the jmping were on hand with tea and coffee for the riders.
It was a good show to go to.
The next week we journeyed to DUBBO SHOW.
Dubbo has been a strong supporter of showjumping for many years. The entries are easy and the stables are good.
The prizemoney is better than most and many riders compete on the May run incorporating, Nyngan, Wellington , Cobar, Gilgandra Walgett,shows.
Our team was one less because the D grades are not for beginners.
Dale and Harry negotiated them mostly alright without making a jump off.
Tango went well again for a 5th in the D champs, she made every jump off in the D grades with only one fence down in 6 rounds.
Liz again went well with Caesar running 2nd in the open 1.20m and =5th in the Junior.
I was the pilot on Liz's horse and we were on fire this week.
5th in the C and D ,1st in the C grade and 6th in the big money C and D.
Greenbah jumped 6 rounds with one light touch off in the last class.
Now it is Liz's turn, and we have the winter for her to get the hang of riding him.
Dubbo has a small band of showjumping enthusiasts who make sure everyone is happy and run the show for us.
The ground wasn't quite in as good order this year as others but still jumpable.
Many thanks to those hard workers who keep these shows going.
Of course the officilals too need mentioning because they have to sit out in all weathers and endure long hours.
The Cd at both these shows was Warren Priestly. He gave us plenty to think about and any success you won was hard fought.
We had a great time, and Harry noticed the difference with only one ride in the competitions.
It isn't as much fun watching as being in the events.
I have been to Perth teaching and my list is of 'gigs' is growing.
I will be away teaching for most weekends for the next couple of months.I need to pay for my passion, horses of course.

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