Saturday, April 17, 2010


Liz and Ceasar jumped well at Sydney Royal for a 2nd and a 4th.
We came home and returned a week later to compete in the Pony Club AREA JUMPING.
In the last day two riders pulled out of the team for family reasons and we were left without a reserve and only three members for the team. The team normally has 4 riders with three scores to count like most jumping team classes.
The class was at 8am we were first out and guess what ,our team was the only one to jump all clear.
What a surprise, results like that don't happen very often.
The members were Lauren Nichols,Samantha Tripp and Liz.
Copabella Classic happening this weekend and Liz has qualified for the Junior Final today.
Millie Clark who has been here training for a few days jumped very well to finish 6th in the Junior,so she qualifies for today's final easily.
Lets go.

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